Narne Nithiin and Nayan Sarika played the lead roles in the film AAY, produced by Bunny Vas and Vidya Koppineedi under the banner of GA2 Pictures and presented by Allu Aravind. The film was directed by Anji K Maniputra. It released widely on August 15 and received a fantastic response from the audience. In the wake of the massive success at the box office, the film division held a success meet. The show included: Producer Bunny Vas said, “It started out at 110 screens and has since grown to 382. In the US, it was initially shown in 27 screens and then increased to 86. AAY has proven that with good content and good word of mouth, a film can go big and be well received by the audience. The media has been very supportive. The film has grossed over 110 crores at the box office. We are still at 60-70% occupancy. People love Geetha Arts movies. I would like to thank the team and SKN for supporting the making of this film. Nithiin is a lucky person who picks projects with good content and success. After hearing about it, he immediately agreed. He has a good sense of storytelling. Nithiin is unlikely to make any more mistakes in the future. We asked the cameraman to do a lot of work. Even though the film was shot in summer, we told him to make it look like it was shot in the rainy season. The visual effects are better than we expected. Ram Miriyala and Ajay have given us some great music and background music. Anji has been in the industry for 12 years. Anji has not forgotten our roots. That’s why he has made such a great film. Anji is producing another film under our banner. I am grateful to everyone who has worked on this film.” SKN said, “Vasu told me about this two years ago. He narrates to me every story he works on. Bunny is multi-talented and has mastered every craft skill. When he told me the story, I loved it. The story was good but I didn’t know how it would come out on screen. But Bunny Vasu loved the story. Nithiin loved it. “The story doesn’t have to be about me, it’s enough that I’m in the story,” Nithiin said. “His mindset is what made it successful. The timing was perfect for a friendship and bromance to develop between them.” Everyone laughs in that scene. Ram Miryala and Ajay’s music was enjoyed by everyone. Sameer’s visuals are good. Nayan Sarika was a huge success. Kasi Reddy was also very busy. The Kroll Committee is also being talked about everywhere. Even without the star, the film is doing well. Audiences from all walks of life are enjoying the film.”
Director Anji K Maniputra said, “I’m grateful to the audience for their support of the film AAY. I was a little worried about taking on a film in the middle of a big one. But it was clear to see that Allu Aravind and Bunny Vasu’s decision to release the film over a long weekend was the right one. We would like to thank the audience for making our little film a huge success. Whether they come with their friends or their parents, they will watch the film and go home with a smile on their face. SKN has been very supportive of our film. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do. Our film has been well received in the US as well. “This is a film that everyone should watch in the cinema and enjoy.”
Director Narn Nithiin said, “Our film ‘AAY’ was released in the middle of big blockbuster films, but the huge success is thanks to the audience. Anji told us a good story. Thank you to the director for giving us a hit. Sameer’s visuals are amazing. Everyone is talking about the song ‘Sufiyana’.” “It was a pleasure working with Ankith and Kasi Reddy. It was a very enjoyable shoot. Bunny Vasu garu worked so hard for our film. Ajay and Ram Miryala delivered a great RR and music. I would like to thank Allu Aravind garu and Vidya akka for giving me such a good opportunity.”
Ankith Koiya said, “I am grateful to the media for supporting the film ‘AAY’.” I would like to thank the audience for spreading the word about the film. People liked our trio. Everyone worked hard for our film. I am grateful to the director and producers for believing in me and giving me such a great role.” Music director Ajay Alasada said, “I am happy that so many people who have watched the film have called me to congratulate me. It is not only a comedy but they have also created an emotional connect with me. If the concept is good, the music will be good too.”
Justice Samir said: “Bani Vasu has a big vision. Anji knows what he wants. Each setting is very special. Audiences from all walks of life are thoroughly enjoying the film.”