The commotion of movie fans in Tamil Nadu is a bit too much. Star heroes have millions of followers who are buzzing when new movies are released. A festive atmosphere is created at the theatres. People want to watch their favorite hero’s movie before everyone else. Until now, people used to watch the movie before anyone else. But now special shows are being made so movie fans are getting the privilege of watching the movie earlier. But in the case of Dalapathy, Kollywood star hero Vijay’s latest movie ‘Leo’, Vijay’s fans in Tamil Nadu lost that chance. The government made an announcement like bad news for all the fans.
The Tamil Nadu government has announced that there will be no special shows for Leo, which is going to be released in a grand way. The police have warned that action will be taken if fans get into fights demanding special shows. Informing this matter, Tamil Nadu Principal Secretary Amutha gave orders to the police. It is advised to take security measures at theatres. Hero Vijay’s fans have been ordered to take action if they fight with the theater owners. Needless to say, the instructions given by the government are a bit disappointing for hero Vijay fans. Because many people are waiting to see their favorite hero movie in advance. Although advance tickets are available six days in advance, everyone is waiting for special shows. So there is no doubt that the latest development will leave Vijay fans disappointed.