The movie “Mercy Killing” was announced as production number 1 under the banner of Sai Siddhar Movie Makers, starring Sai Kumar, Parvatheesham, Aishwarya, Harika in the lead roles. It is being produced by Siddhar Hariyala, Madhavi Talabattula and is being presented by Mrs. Vedula Bala Kameshwari.
The film is directed by Soorapally Venkataramana and the cinematography is done by G. Amar, while the music is composed by ML Raja. Young hero Akash Puri released the first look and motion poster of this movie.
On this occasion, Akash Puri said that the title of Mercy Killing is very interesting, the concept in the motion poster is good and wished the upcoming movie and its team all the very best. Coming with good production values, this movie has been shot in beautiful locations like Hyderabad, Kakinada, Uppada, Araku. He wished that this movie, which is going to be released in April, should be a grand success.
Mercy Killing is a film based on Article 21 of the Constitution of India. Director Venkataramana S said that the story begins with an orphan girl named Zyribha who wants justice for her.